slender oat rehearse, by Mel Bentley

Mel Bentley organizes Housework reading series and co-edits with Jonathan Hamilton the journal Boneless Skinless. A chapbook of poems “Bucolic Eclogue” from a larger manuscript also called “Bucolic Eclogue” was released from Lamehouse Press in July 2016. Their chapbooks “Obstacle, Particle, Spectacle”, “&parts”, and “Stub Wilderness” were released from 89plus Luma Foundation, Damask Press and Well Greased Press, respectively. Vitrine released a tape of sounds labeled “Red Green Blue”. Poems have appeared in 491, Apiary, Bedfellows, BlazeVOX, Boog City, Elective Affinities, Fact-Simile, Gigantic Sequins, No Infinite, Maestra Vida, Magic Pictures, Painted Bride Quarterly, Small Po[r]tions, Stillwater Review, Tinge and Truck.